Thursday, September 30, 2010

random thoughts

just thinking, in no order of importance and not necessarily new or old....

sound associations: sounds trigger memory for the mind and the body. it's as simple as that. This sense has become a tool for recalling movement ideas without memorizing an actual series of movements or "steps". The ears cannot edit as the eyes can (close your eyes). The ears hear what they have heard before and the body recalls what it was doing then. simple science. It's in the tool belt. using sound to access memories and in turn past movement practices as a performance idea and a study tactic.

task and intention: a task is something to be done. direct. An intention is an aim or a plan mostly based on prior education. memory. these ideas are clearly fused in dance. A mover chooses to move from A to B, a task. A mover travels from A to B with ease. intention. I am beginning to create a solo for a portion of the work that will be a series of unrelated tasks and intentions. but wont this make them related? more soon...

communication: the more i work the more i realize i dont want to express anything in particular. i want to work on the actual act ( task ) of communicating as an ethereal almost telepathic experience, the performance space as an opportunity for input and output between viewer and performer.

sanctuary: used to be a place ( in a church) where fugitives were immune. so, a place where what is considered unsuitable can be free... thinking of this as a visual concept...

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